1. 国家重点研发项目,有机固废定向生物转化机制及调控原理,2020-2023.主持
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,学科交叉预研类重大项目,节能降耗污水处理新工艺数学模型与智能化控制策略研究,2019-2021,主持
3. 上海市生态环境局,全市国考市考等水质监测断面技术核查评估项目,2019-2020,主持
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,重点项目培育类国自然培育重点项目,铁-磷化合物在污泥厌氧消化过程中的转化与磷释放机制研究,2018-2019,主持
5. 上海市科委国际合作项目:城镇污水资源回收工艺中磷的去除回收及其过程模拟,2018-2021,主持
6. 上海市环保局,市管泵站污染排放专项调查,2018-2019,主持
7. 上海市环保局,上海市泵站污染源普查技术方案,2017-2018,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金项目,过氧化钙促进剩余污泥发酵产酸并去除有害有机物的化学-生物协同作用机理研究,2016-2019,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,污泥高含固厌氧消化中的物质转化原理及新技术研究,2016-2019,参加
10. 国家水体污染与治理科技重大专项子课题: 城市污水磷酸盐回收利用工艺系统研究开发与工程示范,2015-2018,主持
11. 上海华特迪士尼有限公司委托项目:利用废热进行灰水回用技术研究,2014-2019,主持
12. 国家自然科学基金项目:离子载体类抗生素在活性污泥系统中的水解与生物降解耦合作用机理及其抗性基因去除研究, 2015-2017,参加
13. 国家863计划课题:污水高效除磷脱氮-氮磷回收耦合关键技术及工艺2011-2015,主持
14. 国家科技重大专项子课题:城市污水厂雨污水协同处理与氮磷深度去除技术研究, 2014-2016,主持.
15. 上海市科委国际合作项目:城市污水污泥氮磷回收工艺技术与数学模型研究,2011-2013. 主持
16. 国家水体污染与治理科技重大专项子课题: 工业园区污水厂尾水循环利用的生物-生态深度处理技术,2008-2010,主持
17. 国家水体污染与治理科技重大专项子课题:低碳高氨氮工业废水的资源化处理技术,2008-2010,主持
18. 国家自然科学基金项目:含氮杂环化合物缺氧降解及其对硝酸还原酶活性影响研究,2002-2004,主持
19. 国家自然科学基金项目:活性污泥法去除城市污水中内分泌干扰物的机理研究,2006-2008,主持
20. 国家自然科学基金项目:N-亚硝基二甲胺前体物在城市污水生物脱氮工艺中的去除与归趋机制,2009-2011,主持
21. 国家863计划项目:城市污水活性污泥法生态毒性削减的智能模型研究,2002-2004,主持
Ming Zheng, Qian Ping, Lin Wang, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*, Shane A. Snyder. Pretreatment using UV combined with CaO2 for the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: Mechanistic modeling for attenuation of trace organic contaminants. Journal of Hazardous Materials 402 (2021), 123484
Lin Wang, Qiya Sun, Yicheng Dou, Zhipeng Zhang, Tingting Yan, Yongmei Li*,Fabricating a novel ternary recyclable Fe3O4/graphene/sulfur-doped g-C3N4 composite catalyst for enhanced removal of ranitidine under visible-light irradiation and reducing of its N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential,Journal of Hazardous Materials,413(2021),125288
Qian Ping, Zhipeng Zhang, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*,Novel CaO2 beads used in the anaerobic fermentation of iron-rich sludge for simultaneous short-chain fatty acids and phosphorus recovery under ambient conditions,Bioresource Technology 301 (2021) ,122745
Zhipeng Zhang, Qian Ping, Dan Gao, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Yongmei Li*,Effects of ferric-phosphate forms on phosphorus release and the performance of anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge,Bioresource Technology, 323 (2021),124622
Ce Wang, Meiling Wang, Yongmei Li*,Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on forward osmosis membrane fouling and its cleaning,Chemosphere, 257, (2020), 127180
Qian Ping, Xiao Lu, Yongmei Li*, Giorgio Mannina. Effect of complexing agents on phosphorus release from chemical-enhanced phosphorus removal sludge during anaerobic fermentation. Bioresource Technology 301 (2020) 122745
Qian Ping, Ming Zheng, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*. Metagenomic characterization of the enhanced performance of anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge with CaO2 addition at ambient temperature: Fatty acid biosynthesis metabolic pathway and CAZymes. Water Research. 2020, 170: 115309
Ming Zheng, Kevin D. Daniels, Minkyu Park, Mauricius Marques dos Santos, Alec Brockway Nienhauser, Erica C. Clevenger, Yongmei Li*, and Shane A. Snyder*. Attenuation of pharmaceutically active compounds in aqueous solution by UV/CaO2 process: Influencing factors, degradation mechanism and pathways. Water Research. 2019, 164: 114922
Lin Wang, Gucheng Li and Yongmei Li*.Enhanced treatment of composite industrial wastewater using anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor: performance,membrane fouling and microbial community, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 2019, 94:2292-2304
Ce Wang, Yongmei Li*. Permeation of greywater constituents in an aquaporin based biomimetic forward osmosis membrane process: Experimental performance and modeling.J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 2019;94:1567–1575
Bingqian Zhang, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*,Fractionation and identification of iron-phosphorus compounds in sewage sludge,Chemosphere,2019,223:250-256
Ming Zheng; Yongmei Li*, Qian Ping; Lin Wang,MP-UV/CaO2 as a pretreatment method for the removal of carbamazepine and primidone in waste activated sludge and improving the solubilization of sludge. Water Research. 2019, 151: 158-169
Ai Zhang, Ai Jia, Minkyu Park, Yongmei Li*, Shane A. Snyder*. Genotoxicity assay and potential byproduct identification during different UV-based water treatment processes. Chemosphere. 2019,217:176-182
Ce Wang, Yongmei Li* and Yanqiang Wang. Treatment of greywater by forward osmosis technology: role of the operating temperature. Environmental Technology, 2019; 40(26): 3434-3443
Zhengyu Zhu, Wenling Chen, Tao Tao, Yongmei Li*. A novel AAO-SBSPR process based on phosphorus mass balance for nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater. Water Research 144 (2018) 763-773
Qian Ping, Xiao Lu, Ming Zheng, Yongmei Li*. Effect of CaO2 addition on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge at different temperatures and the promotion of valuable carbon source production under ambient condition. Bioresource Technology, 265 (2018) 247-256.
Juan Lv, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*,Characterization of N-nitrosodimethylamine formation from the ozonation of ranitidine,Journal of Environmental Science. 2017, 58 (8) :116-126
Zhengyu Zhu, Ruyi Wang, Yongmei Li*, Evaluation of the control strategy for aeration energy reduction in a nutrient removing wastewater treatment plant based on the coupling of ASM1 to an aeration model. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 124 (2017) 44–53
LinWang, Juan Yang, Yongmei Li*, Juan Lv and Gucheng Li,Oxidation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in a heterogeneous nanoscale zero-valent iron/H2O2 Fenton-like system: influencing factors and degradation pathway. J Chem Technol Biotechnol,2017; 92: 552–561
Jinte Zou, Lili Zhang, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*, Enhancing phosphorus release from waste activated sludge containing ferric or aluminum phosphates by EDTA addition during anaerobic fermentation process, Chemosphere 171 (2017) 601-608
Jie Wang, Yongmei LI*. Synergistic pretreatment of waste activated sludge using CaO2 in combination with microwave irradiation to enhance methane production during anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy 183 (2016) 1123–1132
Lin Wang, Xiaolin Zhang and Yongmei Li*, Degradation of nicosulfuron by a novel isolated bacterial strain Klebsiella sp. Y1: condition optimization, kinetics and degradation pathway. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 73.12: 2896-2903
Jinte Zou, Yongmei Li*, Anaerobic fermentation combined with low-temperature thermal pretreatment for phosphorus-accumulating granular sludge: Release of carbon source and phosphorus as well as hydrogen production potential. Bioresource Technology, 218 (2016) 18-16.
Qian Ping, Yongmei Li*, Xinghai Wu, Lu Yang, Lin Wang, Characterization of morphology and component of struvite pellets crystallized from sludge dewatering liquor: Effects of total suspended solid and phosphate concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 310 (2016) 261-269
Ruyi Wang, Yongmei Li*, Wenling Chen, Jinte Zou, Yinguang Chen. Phosphate release involving PAOs activity during anaerobic fermentation of EBPR sludge and the extension of ADM1.Chemical Engineering Journal,(2016),287: 436–447.
Lin Wang, Juan Yang, Yongmei Li*, Juan Lv, Jinte Zou. Removal of chlorpheniramine in a nanoscale zero-valent iron induced heterogeneous Fenton system: Influencing factors and degradation intermediates. Chemical Engineering Journal 284 (2016) 1058–1067
Juan Lv, Lin Wang, Yun Song, Yongmei Li*. N-nitrosodimethylamine formation from ozonation ofchlorpheniramine: Influencing factors and transformation mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials 299 (2015) 584–594
Yongmei Li*, Jie Wang, Ai Zhang, Lin Wang. Enhancing the quantity and quality of short-chain fatty acids production from waste activated sludge using CaO2 as an additive. Water Research 83 (2015) 84-93.
Ai Zhang, Jie Wang, Yongmei Li*. Performance of calcium peroxide for removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds in waste activated sludge and promotion of sludge solubilization. Water Research 2015, 71: 125-139
Ruyi Wang, Yongmei Li*, Wenhan Wang, Yinguang Chen, Peter A. Vanrolleghem,Effect of high orthophosphate concentration on mesophilic anaerobic sludge digestion and its modeling,Chemical Engineering Journal,(2015),260: 791–800.
Jinte Zou, Yongmei Li*, Lili Zhang, Ruyi Wang, Jing Sun, Understanding the impact of influent nitrogen concentration on granule size and microbial community in a granule-based enhanced biological phosphorus removal system, Bioresource Technology, 177 (2015) ,209-216.
Lv Juan, Li Yongmei*, Song Yun.Reinvestigation on the ozonation of N-nitrosodimethylamine: Influencing factors and degradation mechanism.Water Research 2013, 47:4993-5002.
1. 李咏梅 著,城镇污水磷回收与达标排放的工艺技术,上海交通大学出版社,2020.11
2. 李咏梅,王红武,《修复我们的地球:走进淡水湖》(译著),上海科技教育出版社,2020.4
3. 李咏梅,曾庆玲,《水圈:干涸的生命之源》(译著),上海科技教育出版社,2011
4. 李咏梅,周琪,《人与自然:我们星球的未来》(译著),上海科技教育出版社,2011
5. 张树国,李咏梅,《膜生物反应器污水处理技术》(译著),化学工业出版社;2003.5
6. 张亚雷,李咏梅,《活性污泥数学模型》(译著),437必赢国际官网出版社;2002.3
1.利用过氧化钙促进污泥水解并提高污泥厌氧消化效果的方法,ZL 201210556900.5
2.利用过氧化钙氧化去除污水及污泥中内分泌干扰物的方法,ZL 201210556898.1
3.一种测定水中微量N, N-二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠的方法,ZL 201210380963.X
4.紫外线和双氧水联合去除污泥中内分泌干扰物的方法,ZL 201310068967.9
5.一种利用好氧颗粒污泥富集化学磷的方法,ZL 201310148849.9
6.一种高纯度纳米过氧化钙的制备方法,ZL 201310179560.3
7.一种高纯度纳米过氧化钙的制备方法,ZL 201310179560.3.
8.一种耦合式污水生物脱氮除磷与磷酸盐回收的方法,ZL 201410038806.X
9.一种提高含磷化学-生物混合污泥厌氧发酵释磷率的方法,ZL 201410120041.4
10.一种提取含磷化学-生物混合污泥中磷元素的方法,ZL 201310127591.4
11.一种将污水中高浓度氨氮回收为高纯度大颗粒鸟粪石的方法,ZL 201410110867.2
12.一种富磷好氧颗粒污泥资源化的处理方法,ZL 201410718175.6
13.一种用于分析污泥中铁磷化合物形态含量的方法,ZL 201811469348.X
14.促进含磷酸盐沉淀的污泥在室温条件下释磷与产气的方法,ZL 201710854846.5