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2.李光明, 徐子颉, 甘礼华, 沙海祥. TiO2凝胶形成的动力学研究. 437必赢国际官网学报(自然科学版). 1999, 27(3):347-350.
3.李光明, 赵建夫, 王华, 赵修华, 周仰原. 滴流床催化湿式氧化苯酚的动力学. 环境科学. 2004, 25(3):53-56.
4.张芳, 李光明, 盛怡, 胡惠康, 王华. 电催化氧化法处理苯酚废水的Mn-Sn-Sb/γ-Al2O3粒子电极研制. 化学学报. 2006, 64(3):235-239.
5.胡晨燕, 李光明, 夏凤毅, 赵修华, 周仰原, 邓黛青. 电解Fenton法处理生活垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液的动力学研究. 环境科学. 2006, 27(8):1591-1595.
6.He W, Li G, Ma X, Wang H, Huang J, Xu M, Huang C. WEEE recovery strategies and the WEEE treatment status in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2006, 136(3):502-512.
7.Li N, Li G, Yao Z, Zhao J. Preparation of rare-earth metal complex oxide catalysts for catalytic wet air oxidation. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 2007, 1(2):190-195.
8.He Y, Li G, Wang H, Zhao J, Su H, Huang Q. Effect of operating conditions on separation performance of reactive dye solution with membrane process. Journal of Membrane Science. 2008, 321(2):183-189.
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11.Xu W, Xu J, Liu J, Li H, Cao B, Huang X, Li G. The utilization of lime-dried sludge as resource for producing cement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 83:286-293.
12.Li F, Liu L, An Y, He W, Themelis N J, Li G. Hydrothermal liquefaction of three kinds of starches into reducing sugars. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 112:1049-1054.
13.Zhao M, Johnson M, He W, Li G, Zhao C, Huang J, Zhu H. Transformation of waste crystalline silicon into submicro β-SiC by multimode microwave sintering with low carbon emissions. Powder Technology. 2017, 322:290-295.
14.Zhang W, Liu Z, Xia J, Li F, He W, Li G, Huang J. Preparing graphene from anode graphite of spent lithium-ion batteries. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 2017, 11(5).
15.Zhang J, An Y, Borrion A, He W, Wang N, Chen Y, Li G. Process characteristics for microwave assisted hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 259:91-98.
16.Zhu Y, Zhu H, Li G, Mai Z, Gu Y. The effect of dielectric exclusion on the rejection performance of inhomogeneously charged polyamide nanofiltration membranes. J Nanopart Res. 2019, 21:1-13.
17.Yu J, Xu J, Li Z, He W, Huang J, Xu J, Li G. Upgrading pyrolytic carbon-blacks (CBp) from end-of-life tires: Characteristics and modification methodologies. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 2020, 14(2):19.
18.Zhao S, Zhang W, Li G, Zhu H, Huang J, He W. Ultrasonic renovating and coating modifying spent lithium cobalt oxide from the cathode for the recovery and sustainable utilization of lithium-ion battery. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 257:120510.
19.Cao Y, Li F, Li G, Huang J, Zhu H, He W. Leaching and purification of indium from waste liquid crystal display panel after hydrothermal pretreatment: Optimum conditions determination and kinetic analysis. Waste Management. 2020, 102:635-644.
20.Zhu H, Hua B, He W, Huang J, Li G. Tunable dielectric constant of water confined in graphene oxide nanochannels. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021, 324:115139.
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2.李光明,马兴发,龚黎明,徐建峰. 中国2010年上海世博会场馆科技新视点. 上海:437必赢国际官网出版社,2010.
3.李光明,安莹,李斐,王凡,朱昊辰. 城市餐厨垃圾收运管理与资源化技术. 上海:437必赢国际官网出版社,2015.
4.李光明, 江世亮, 郑广宏, 刘文波. 让城市在发展中更有温度——科技之光映照上海社会发展十年路. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,2017.
5.李光明, 江世亮. 创新铸就卓越之城——上海城市建设与可持续发展成果背后的故事. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,2018.
6.李光明, 朱昊辰. 资源化视角的污染控制理论与实践. 上海:上海交通大学出版社. 2019.