1. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目之课题:基于生活污水源分离的半集中式分质供排水综合节水技术集成应用(2017YFC0403402).课题负责人.
2. 国家“十三五”重大水专项项目之课题:金泽水库原水水处理工艺优化及安全输配技术研究与应用(2017ZX07207004-6.).任务负责人.
4. 宁波市科技局重大科技攻关项目.高硬、高浊、高氨煤化工废水预处理关键技术及成套装备研发(2020Z102).课题负责人(在研).
7. 上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司.市政污泥处理处置与资源化技术.项目负责人(在研).
1. Flory Mkangombe Kilingo, Zulu Bernard, Chen Hongbin*(2022). Study of Domestic Wastewater Treatment using Moringa oleifera coagulant coupled with vertical flow constructed wetland in Kibera Slum, Kenya. Envrionment Science and Pollution Research. (to be published)
2. Taoqin Chen, Hongbin Chen*(2021). Ammonia-rich solution production from coal gasification gray water using Chemical-free Flow-Electrode capacitive deionization coupled with a monovalent cation exchange membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal. 402.
3. Taoqin Chen, Hongbin Chen*(2021). Deactivation of Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes in drinking water by PMS/UV-C: efficiency and mechanisms. Envrionment Science and Pollution Research. (06).
4. Xueli Ren, Hongbin Chen*(2021). Effect of residual chlorine on the interaction between bacterial growth and assimilable organic carbon and biodegradable organic carbon in reclaimed water. Science of the Total Environment. 752:141223.
5. Xueli Ren, Mengjia Zhang, Hongwu Wang, Xiaohu Dai, Hongbin Chen*(2021). Removal of personal care products in greywater using membrane bioreactor and constructed wetland methods. Science of the Total Environment. 797:148773.
6. Zhiling Wu; Xianchun Tang; Hongbin Chen*(2021). Seasonal and treatment-process variations in invertebrates in drinking water treatment plants. Frontier of Environmental Science & Engineering. 15(4):62 .
7. Lijie Zhou, Hongwu Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Hongbin Chen etc(2021). Novel perspective for urban water resource management: 5R generation. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 15(1): 16
8. Haixin Jiang, Yexuan Wen, Qi Wang, Yi He, Hongbin Chen*(2020). Partial nitritation with aerobic duration control of carbon-captured blackwater : process operation and model-based evaluation [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401: 126060.
9. Xianchun Tang, Yexuan Wen, Yi He, Haixin Jiang, Hongbin Chen*(2020). Full-scale semi-centralized wastewater treatment facilities for resource recovery: operation, problems and resolutions. Water science and technology. 80: 303-314.
10. Haixin Jiang, Xianchun Tang, Yexuan Wen, Yi He, Hongbin Chen*(2019). Carbon capture for blackwater: Chemical enhanced high-rate activated sludge process [J]. Water Science and Technology.80, 1494-1504.
11. Xueli Ren; Yanyan Zhang; Hongbin Chen*(2019). Graywater treatment technologies and reuse of reclaimed water for toilet flushing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 78(10): 2193-2203
12. Zhiling Wu, Yong Cheng, Xianchun Tang, Hongbin Chen*(2018). Inactivation efficiency of sodium hypochlorite on rotifers and rotifer eggs. Desalination and Water Treatment. 1-8.
13. Xueli Ren, Hongbin Chen*(2018). Full-scale practice of domestic wastewater source separation and collection in a semicentralized treatment system: A case study. Water Science and Technology. 78 (10): 2193–2203.
14. Jie Zhu, Xianchun Tang, Zhiling Wu, Hongbin Chen*(2018). Migration and control of invertebrates along the treatment processes in waterworks with advanced treatment. Journal of Environmental Engineering. J.Environ. Eng., 144(7): 04018043
15. Hong Shen, Xianchun Tang, Nanxiang Wu, Hongbin Chen*(2018). Leakage of soluble microbial products from biological activated carbon filtration in drinking water treatment plants and its influence on health risks. Chemosphere. 202:226-236
16. Wu Z.L. & Chen H.B. Comparison of invertebrate removal by traditional-BAC and pre-BAC treatment processes: Verification in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2018
17. Jie Zhu, Martin Wagner, Peter Cornel, Hongbin Chen, Xiaohu Dai(2017). Feasibility of on-site grey-water reuse for toilet flushing in China. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.
18. Hong Shen, Xin Chen & Hongbin Chen*(2017). Influence on the generation of disinfection byproducts in a tannic acid solution by aluminumions. Environmental Technology. 38(9):1100-1110.
19. Zhiling Wu, Jie Zhu, Xianchun Tang, Hongbin Chen*(2017).Synergistic effect with chlorination and sand filtration for the efficient elimination of invertebrate leakage in BAC filter. Desalination and Water Treatment. n.79: 235-242.
20. Wu Z.L., Tang X.C. & Chen, H.B*(2017). Influence of the type of activated carbon on invertebrate leakage in biological activated carbon filter. Desalination and Water Treatment. Vol 94:40-46
21. Hong Shen, Xin Chen, Dong Zhang, Hong-bin Chen*(2016) .Generation of soluble microbial products by bio-activated carbon during drinking water advanced treatment and its influence on optical characteristics. Science of the Total Environment. 569-570:1289-1298.
22. 张易峰,陈洪斌*.净水厂生物活性炭泄漏的调控技术述评.水处理技术. 2021,47(1):1-6.
23. 江海鑫,贺艺,戴晓虎,陈洪斌*.高负荷活性污泥法污水有机组分表征[J].环境工程学报. 2020,14(6): 1471-1480.
24. 唐贤春,贺艺,陈洪斌*等.半集中式分质供排水和资源化系统的集成应用.环境工程学报. 2019,13(7):1612-1622.
25. 李进哲,陈洪斌*.供水系统无脊椎动物安全性风险评估与控制[J].给水排水. 2019, 55 (12) 119-124.
26. 张静,唐贤春,戴晓虎,陈洪斌*.单级与多级AO-SBR工艺处理黑水的研究.环境工程学报. 2017,11(3):26-33.
27. 陈同辉,陈伟华,陈洪斌*,戴晓虎等.悬浮填料用于黑水处理的生物硝化反硝化性能研究.水处理技术. 2017,43(2):107-111.
28. 陈伟华,陈同辉,陈洪斌*等.悬浮填料生物膜反应器处理黑水的启动挂膜.环境工程学报. 2016.10(2): 566-572.
29. 张静,唐贤春,陈洪斌*.倒置AAO-MBR处理黑水. 环境工程学报.2016.10(7):3657- 3663.
30. 张燕燕,程拥,陈洪斌. MBR和BAF用于以家庭回用为目的的灰水净化研究.环境工程学报.2016.10(2):623-630.
31. 陈洪斌,陈伟华,李辰,戴晓虎等.上流式厌氧污泥床反应器用于黑水的厌氧预处理.437必赢国际官网学报.2014. 42(6):0900-0905.
32. 吴志玲,徐培嘉,陈洪斌.混凝/微滤工艺用于青草沙水源水厂的生产废水回用研究.中国环境科学. 2014.34(3):623-629.
33. 陈洪斌,李辰,刘富强,戴晓虎. 居住区生活污水AO-MBR处理与回用.437必赢国际官网学报. 2013年.41(2):247-252,288.
34. 朱洁,陈洪斌*. 生物活性炭滤池微型动物的泄漏与强化过滤研究.437必赢国际官网学报. 2013.41(6):862-868.
1. 大型源水生物处理工程工艺研究与应用.国家科技进步二等奖.2005年.第四完成人.
2. 大型原水生物处理工程工艺研究与应用.上海市科技进步一等奖.2002年.第六完成人.
3. 上海市优秀博士学位论文获得者.2002年度.
4. 炼油污水的深度处理与回用技术研究.中国石油天然气集团公司技术创新二等奖.2003.第一完成人.
5. 中国石油天然气集团公司青年创新工作法大赛“百优项目”.2003.第一完成人.
6. 上海市2004年度科技启明星.
1.陈洪斌,朱洁,戴晓虎等. 一种水处理优选滤料的方法 (发明). 201110294739.4.
2. 吴志玲, 陈洪斌, 唐贤春, 张东.一种净水装置. ZL 2016 2 0455390.6.
3. 陈洪斌, 吴志玲, 唐贤春, 沈宏. 一种协同杀灭和强化过滤结合降低无脊椎动物进入供水管网的方法. CN 201610594413.6
4. 陈洪斌,江海鑫,唐贤春,何群彪,戴晓虎.申请中国实用新型专利. 一种黑水的碳源捕获系统. 201820769125.4.
5. 陈洪斌,江海鑫,唐贤春,贺艺,戴晓虎,何群彪. 一种黑水的营养物资源化和达标排放方法与系统.中国发明专利. 201810495393.6。.
6. 陈洪斌,汪琪,张梦佳,李进哲,唐贤春. 一种冲便器系统.中国发明专利. 2019203689669..
7. 陈洪斌,陈涛钦,冯亮杰,张风光, 刘俊, 程艳. 一种基于单价阳离子交换膜的流动电极电容氨氮回收提纯方法.申请号:202111467032.9.
8. 陈洪斌, 陈涛钦, 唐贤春,安佰红,耿瑞. 一种有效抑制结垢的流动电极电容去离子装置. 申请号:202123016719.9.
1. 2010年度上海研发平台科技创新服务先进个人荣誉称号.上海市研发公共服务平台管理中心.2010年.
2. 2011年度上海市研发公共服务平台优秀技术创新服务专家.上海市研发公共服务平台管理中心.2011年.
3. 437必赢国际官网第一届“创汇青春”——上海大学生文化创意作品展示活动优秀指导教师.2016.09.
4. 2018年大学生暑期社会实践活动优秀指导教师.共青团437必赢国际官网委员会.2018.11.