1. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室自主课题项目,基于关键菌种标准化识别与生物强化的湿垃圾高效厌氧消化技术研究,2020.11-2021.12,项目负责人;
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于组装基因组解码和高分辨率显微镜技术研究互营乙酸氧化菌群及种间电子传递模式,2020.01-2022.12,项目负责人
3. 科学技术部、中国工程院应急攻关项目,专题: “固体废物处理处置的环境风险防控与管理模式”和“新型冠状病毒传播与环境的关系及风险防控”(应急项目“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情环境风险防控”,课题“环境多介质风险阻断关键技术、装备与管控策略”),2020.02-2021.02,研究骨干,联系人;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,生物炭负载微生物在“地下水抽提淋滤土壤共修复”体系中降解有机污染物的机制,2019.01-2022.12,研究骨干;
5. 丹麦创新研究基金项目,创建新型微生物分析平台以优化厌氧生物能工艺(Novel microbiological platform for optimization of biogas production - NomiGas),2015.10-2018.09,已结题,研究骨干;
6. 丹麦创新研究基金项目,活性污泥和厌氧消化工艺微生物指南 (MiDAS: Field Guide to the Microbes of Activated Sludge and Anaerobic Digesters)之子课题: 厌氧消化中挥发性有机酸的降解机制研究,2016.12-2017.08,已结题,研究骨干;
7. 法国苏伊士创新研发项目,运用多重宏组学技术识别潜在厌氧消化抑制物及其对厌氧微生物生理生态的影响(Anaerobic digestion inhibition: Identification of potential inhibitors and their effects on microbial commu-nity ecophysiology using a meta-omic approach),2013.10-2015.10,已结题,研究骨干。
1.Chenjing Jiang, Miriam Peces, Martin H. Andersen, Sergey Kucheryavskiy, Marta Nierychlo, Erika Yashiro, Kasper S. Andersen, Rasmus H. Kirkegaard, Liping Hao, Jan Høgh, Aviaja A. Hansen, Morten S. Dueholm, Per H. Nielsen. Characterizing the growing microorganisms at species level in 46 anaerobic digesters at Danish wastewater treatment plants: A six-year survey on microbiome structure and key drivers.Water Research, 2021,193, 116871.
2. Liping Hao, Thomas Yssing Michaelsen, Caitlin Margaret Singleton, Giulia Dottorini, Rasmus Hansen Kirkegaard, Mads Albertsen, Per Halkjær Nielsen, Morten Simonsen Dueholm. Novel syntrophic bacteria in full-scale anaerobic digesters revealed by genome-centric metatranscriptomics. The ISME Journal, 2020,14, 906–918. (IF 9.18, 生态学类期刊排名5/169)
3.Wei Peng, Fan Lü, Liping Hao, Hua Zhang, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Digestate management for high-solid anaerobic digestion of organic wastes: A review. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297, 122485.
4. Liping Hao, Simon Jon McIlroy, Rasmus Hansen Kirkegaard, Søren Michael Karst, Warnakulasuriya Eustace Yrosh Fernando, Hüsnü Aslan, Rikke Meyer, Mads Albertsen, Per Halkjær Nielsen, and Morten Simonsen Dueholm. Novel prosthecate bacteria from the candidate phylum Acetothermia. The ISME Journal, 2018, 12(9), 2225–2237. (生态学类期刊排名5/169)
5.Chenjing Jiang, Rong Qi, Li-Ping Hao, Simon Jon McIlroy, Per Halkjær Nielsen. Monitoring foaming potential in anaerobic digesters. Waste Management. 2018,75, 280–288.
6.Liping Hao, Laurent Mazéas, Fan Lü, Julien Grossin-Debattista, Pinjing He, Théodore Bouchez. Effect of ammonia on methane production pathways and reaction rates in acetate-fed biogas processes. Water Science & Technology. 2017, 75(5), 1839–1848.
7. Martin Hjorth Andersen, Liping Hao, Giulia Dottorini, Per Halkjær Nielsen. Tid til at revidere vores opfattelse af flygtige syrer i rådnetanken? (Time to revise our perception of volatile fatty acids in anaerobic digestion tank?). Spildevand (Sewage). 2017, 4(17), 34–36. In Danish.
8. Li-Ping Hao, Simon Jon McIlroy, Rasmus Hansen Kirkegaard, Søren Michael Karst, Warnakulasuriya Eustace Yrosh Fernando, Hüsnü Aslan, Rikke Meyer, Mads Albertsen, Per Halkjær Nielsen, and Morten Simonsen Dueholm. Novel prosthecate bacteria from the candidate phylum Acetothermia revealed by culture-independent genomics and advanced microscopy. bioRxiv, 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/207811. Preprint.
9.Liping Hao, Ariane Bize, Delphine Conteau,Olivier Chapleur, Sophie Courtois, Pablo Kroff, Elie Desmond-Le Quéméner, Théodore Bouchez, Laurent Mazéas. New insights into the key microbial phylotypes of anaerobic sludge digesters under different operational conditions. Water Research. 2016, 102, 158–169. (IF 9.13, 环境科学类期刊排名6/265)
10. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Laurent Mazéas, Elie Desmond-Le Quéméner, Céline Madigou, Angéline Guenne, Liming Shao, Théodore Bouchez, Pinjing He. Stable isotope probing of acetate fed anaerobic batch incubations shows a partial resistance of acetoclastic methanogenesis catalyzed by Methanosarcina to sudden increase of ammonia level. Water Research. 2015, 69, 90–99. (环境科学类期刊排名6/265)
11. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Qing Wu, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. High concentrations of methyl fluoride affect the bacterial community in a thermophilic methanogenic sludge. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9(3).
12. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Lei Li, Qing Wu, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Self-adaption of methane-producing communities to pH disturbance at different acetate concentrations by shifting pathways and population interaction. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 140, 319–327.
13. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Lei Li, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Response of anaerobes to methyl fluoride, 2-bromoethanesulfonate and hydrogen during acetate degradation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013, 25(5), 857–864.
14. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Improving the performance of thermophilic anaerobic digester through recirculation of low hydrogen biogas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 2013, 48(11), 1431–1436.
15. Fan Lü, Liping Hao, Dongxing Guan, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Synergetic stress of acids and ammonium on the shift in the methanogenic pathways during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of organics. Water Research. 2013, 47(7), 2297–2306.
16. Pinjing He, Lina Chai, Lei Li, Liping Hao, Liming Shao, Fan Lü. In situ visualization of the change in lignocellulose biodegradability during extended anaerobic bacterial degradation. RSC Advances. 2013, 3(29), 11759–11773.
17. Fan Lü, Liping Hao, Min Zhu, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Initiating methanogenesis of vegetable waste at low inoculum-to-substrate ratio: Importance of spatial separation. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 105, 169–173.
18. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Lei Li, Liming Shao, Pinjing He. Shift of pathways during initiation of thermophilic methanogenesis at different initial pH. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 126, 418–424.
19. Li-Ping Hao, Fan Lü, Pinjing He, Lei Li, Liming Shao. Predominant contribution of syntrophic acetate oxidation to thermophilic methane formation at high acetate concentrations. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(2), 508–513. (IF 7.86, 环境科学类期刊排名15/265)
20. Liping Hao, Fan Lü, Pinjing He, Lei Li, Liming Shao. Quantification of the inhibitory effect of methyl fluoride on methanogenesis in mesophilic anaerobic granular systems. Chemosphere, 2011, 84(9), 1194–1199.
21. Min Zhu, Fan Lü, Liping Hao, Pinjing He, Liming Shao. Regulating the hydrolysis of organic wastes by micro-aeration and effluent recirculation. Waste Management. 2009, 29(7), 2042–2050.
22. Fan Lü, Pinjing He, Liping Hao, Liming Shao. Impact of recycled effluent on the hydrolysis during anaerobic digestion of vegetable and flower waste. Water Science & Technology. 2008, 58(8), 1637–1643.
23. 吕凡, 章骅, 郝丽萍, 邵立明, 何品晶. 易腐垃圾就近就地处理技术浅析. 环境卫生工程, 2020, 28(5), 1–7.
24. 吕凡, 郝丽萍, 章骅, 邵立明, 崔广宇, 彭伟, 何品晶. 病毒在环境卫生作业环境中的存活潜力及感染风险防控探讨.环境卫生工程, 2020, 28(1), 1–9.
25. 何品晶, 李磊, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 气体分离循环对高温厌氧消化过程的影响. 中国环境科学, 2011, 31(2), 733–737.
26. 何品晶, 赵有亮, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 模拟废水高温厌氧消化出水中SMP的特性研究. 中国环境科学, 2010, 30(3), 315–321.
27. 郝丽萍, 吕凡 , 何品晶, 邵立明. 甲烷化出水循环量对固体废物厌氧水解的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 29 (9), 2637–2642.
28. 何品晶, 王沛, 郝丽萍, 吕凡, 邵立明. 循环消化液组成对固体废物厌氧水解的影响. 中国环境科学, 2008, 28(5), 412–416.
1.厌氧系统中产甲烷微生态对酸和氨胁迫的响应机制研究. 郝丽萍(著) 何品晶(审) 2017.05 上海, 437必赢国际官网出版社. ISBN : 978-7-5608-6808-0.
1.郝丽萍,厌氧系统中产甲烷微生态对酸和氨胁迫的响应机制研究,上海市教育委员会,上海市优秀研究生成果奖, 2016.
2. 郝丽萍,Shift of pathways during initiation of thermophilic methanogenesis at different initial pH,国际固体废物工作组IWWG,洲际填埋研究会议最佳海报奖 (瑞典),2012.
1.一种用于生活垃圾焚烧厂处理桶装废物的卸料装置. 申请号: 202010313173.4. 申请日: 2020.04.20. 中国发明专利.
2.一种用于生活垃圾焚烧厂处理桶装废物的卸料装置. 专利号: ZL 2020 2 0594083.2. 申请日: 2020.04.20. 实用新型专利.
3. 一种去除高浓度有机废水中钙离子的方法. 申请号: PCT/CN2019/120745,申请日:2019.11.25. 国际专利.
4. 一种抗进料冲击负荷的推流式厌氧消化反应器. 申请号: 201910893578.7. 申请日: 2019.09.20. 中国发明专利.
5. 一种分区接种快速启动易酸败垃圾沼气利用的方法. 专利号: ZL 2011 1 0398209.4. 授权公告号CN 102492728 B. 授权公告日 2014.05.21.