1. 本科生课程(含中英双语、全英文课程):
2. 研究生课程:
3. 留学生英文课程(IESD、土木工程学院):
开设主讲课程:《Current Ecology & Application》;《City and Agriculture: food supply、safety and security》(与意大利教授联合授课);《Urban Ecology》(与意大利教授联合授课)、《Ecological Economy》(与意大利教授、学院教师联合授课);《Ecosystem Management》;《Engineering Ethics》(土木学院留学生)
目前主讲课程:《Ecosystem Management》(IESD 留学生)、《Engineering Ethics》(土木学院留学生)
1. 参与中国-欧共体国际合作研究项目《Impact of Agricultural Intensification on Resources Use Sustainability and Food Safety Measures for its Solution in Highly Population Subtropical Rural Areas in China》(EC CONTRACT STD TS3 CT92 0065) (1993.1—1996.12)
2. 参与上海市清洁生产重点攻关项目——城市污水厂污泥综合利用成套技术研究与示范(2002-2005),
3. 参与国家“十五”攻关项目——小城镇科技发展重大项目——小城镇环境保护关键技术研究及设备开发(2003-2006)
4. 参与国家高新技术863项目:重金属污染土壤的超积累植物修复技术研究(2003-2006)
5. 主持437必赢国际官网教改项目《创新型教育教学模式的构建与实践》(2005-2007)
6. 主持国家高新技术863项目(2007-2010)(子课题负责人):砷污染农田超富集植物-微生物联合修复技术
7. 参与国家科技支撑计划-典型脆弱生态系统重建技术与示范-崇明岛生态系统修复关键技术开发与应用研究(2006-2010)
8. 参与国家科技支撑计划-崇明低炭经济产业发展模式、关键技术集成应用与示范研究-崇明低碳经济发展关键技术研究与集成应用示范(2009-2012)
9. 参与瑞典国际教育基金项目:《Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education》(2012-2013),作为亚洲区域负责人之一,负责指导亚洲不同国家(印度、蒙古、吉尔吉斯斯坦等)可持续发展教育的推广与提高等。
10. 主持国家自然科学基金(负责人):砷盐工程菌(PSQ)调控超积累植物(Pteris Vittata L.)富集效果的分子机理(2013-2016)
Ping Fang; Wenliang Wu; Qin Xu; Jiahai He; Cunru Han; M. G. Paoletti(1999), Assessing Bioindication with Earthworms in An Intensively Farmed Rural Landscape Yuanqiao and Daqiao Village in Qianjiang Municipality located in Hubei Province Subtropical China.Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 18(3):429-455 (SCI)
R. Zhang, Y. Yang, P. Fang, C. Jiang, L. Xu, Y. Zhu, M. Shen, H. Xia, J. Zhao, T. Chen, Z Qin(2006), Diversity of Telomere Palindromic Sequences and Replication Genes among Streptomyces Linear Plasmids Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(9):5728-5733 ( SCI )
M. Shen, P. Fang, D. Xu, Y. Zhang, W. Cao, Y. Zhu, J. Zhao, Z. Qin(2006),Replication and inheritance of Nocardia plasmid pC1 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 261(1):47-52 ( SCI )
Ran Zhang, Ana Zeng, Ping Fang, Zhongjun Qin(2008), Characterization of Replication and Conjugation of Streptomeyces Circular Plasmids pFP1 and pFP11 and Their Ability To Propagate in Linear Mode with Artificially Attached Telomeres , Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(11):3368-3376 ( SCI )
Zhenhua Chen, Li Zhong, Meijuan Shen, Ping Fang*, Zhongjun Qin(2012), Characterization of Streptomyces plasmid-phage pFP4 and its evolutionary implications, Plasmid 68:170–178 (SCI,通讯作者)
Yun Fan, Yumei Dai, Qiuxiang Cheng, Guangjun Zhang, Dongshu Zhang, Ping Fang*, Hang Wu, Linquan Bai, Zixin Deng, Zhongjun Qin(2012),A self-ligation method for PCR-sequencing the telomeres of Streptomyces and Mycobacterium linear replicons,Journal of Microbiological Methods,90 :105–107(SCI,通讯作者)
Harrison Henry Boying, Fang Ping**(2020), Non-point source pollution and its impact on drinking water quality in River Nile- A case study of Juba South Sudan, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10(9):483-496 (通讯作者)
Tsehay Melake Gebremariam, Fang Ping**(2021), Assessment of Deforestation and Desertification Induced Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Eritrea, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 11(3):18-29 (通讯作者)
Gashahun Mola Shako, Fang Ping**(2021), Ethiopia Water Resources Quantitative Potentials, Management Issues and Challenges. A literature Review Article Paper, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 11(2):67-74(通讯作者)
Haijuan Ma; Guangming Li; Yalei Zhang; Zhigang Zhang; Ping Fang(2011), Characteristic and Metabolic pathways of 2,6-Di-tert butylphenol degradation by Alcaligenes F-3-4 Source 2011 Second International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, p 2013-16(EI)
Yanchun Hou; Ping Fang; Juan Zhang; Yalei Zhang(2011), Comparison of biological activated carbon filters immobilized by different-source bacteria Source, 2011 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, p 4 pp.
Li Juan Zhu; Lu Yao Chen; Ping Fang*(2014); Study on status analysis and countermeasures of Anhui urbanization, Advance Materials Research, vol.1010-1012, p1344-1349, (通讯作者)
Luyao Chen; Ping Fang*(2015), Promoting urbanization process in Shandong province with the green development idea, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.1065-1069, p2920-2926, (通讯作者)
Shaohua Zhou, Ping Fang*(2015), Overview of patented technologies for remediation of soil pollution, Meteorological Environmental Research, 6(5-6):58-62(通讯作者)
Yue Wang, Ping Fang*(2015), Lu-yao Chen, Research progress on lead contaminated soil remediation technology, International conference on Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ICEECE 2015), p1-4, Bangkok, Thailand(通讯作者)
Ping Fang*(2015), Test of constructed rapid infiltration system efficiency via single variable sand factor, Advanced Materials Research Vol.1065-1069,p3277-3280 (通讯作者)
Yujing Zhang , Wanjing Wu , Duwei Zhang, Hongkun Huang and Ping Fang*(2020), Research Progress on Farmland Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation Technologies in the Yangtze River Basin,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 555 (2020) 012055, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/555/1/012055 (通讯作者)
Wanjing Wu, Duwei Zhang and Ping Fang*(2020), Advance in Improving the Electrical Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 555 (2020) 012004, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/555/1/012004 (通讯作者)
Duwei Zhang, Wanjing Wu and Ping Fang*(2020), Research on the Development of Green Buildings in China,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 555 (2020) 012095, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/555/1/012095(通讯作者)
李竺,方萍,陈玲,赵建夫 城市污泥重金属生物浸沥技术研究进展(2004),环境污染与防治(增刊)Vol.26(8)
程五良,方萍,陈玲,赵建夫 城市污水厂污泥土地利用可靠性探讨(2004),437必赢国际官网学报,32(7):939-942
周斌,方萍,张亚雷,赵建夫 有机磷农药生物降解技术研究进展(2005),化工环保,25(5):353-357
陈仲赟,方萍 《可持续发展:经济与环境》——围垦活动对崇明东滩海三棱藨草带的生态影响初探(2005), 437必赢国际官网出版社 ISBN 7-5608-3139-7
刘易,方萍,马利民,张亚雷,赵建夫《可持续发展:经济与环境》——低能耗易推广的污水土地处理工艺(2005) 437必赢国际官网出版社ISBN 7-5608-3139-7
方萍,徐德强,张亚雷,曹微寰,朱颖冥,赵建夫,覃重军,诺卡氏菌株C-14-1 中腈水解酶基因的克隆、测序及分析(2005),环境科学学报,25 (10):1414-1417
陈玲,李宇庆,赵建夫,罗崇义,方萍,李季,城市污水厂污泥快速好氧堆肥技术研究(2005) 环境科学,No.3
李竺, 方萍, 陈玲, 赵建夫 快速高效堆肥处理城市污泥微生物多样性研究(2005), 437必赢国际官网学报,33(5):649-653
方萍, 陈聿华, 丘陵旱地”农-桐”生态工程模式的生态效益分析(2006), 干旱地区农业研究, 24(3):72-76(通讯作者)
马海娟,李光明,张亚雷,方萍 产碱菌株F- 3- 4对苯酚降解特性的研究(2008),环境科学与技术,31(8):4-7
马海娟,李光明,方萍,张亚雷,诺卡氏菌株C-14-1 对苯酚降解特性的研究(2008),水处理技术,34(12):43-46
陈静,方萍,土壤-植物系统中磷和砷相互作用关系研究进展(2010),四川环境,29(6):118-121 (通讯作者)
张光军;方萍 红球菌在石油烃类物质降解中的作用(2013),环境科学与技术,(2) 93-99(通讯作者)
1. 方萍,曹凑贵,赵健夫,《生态学基础》(双语教材),437必赢国际官网出版社,2008
2. Fengting Li, Mahesh Pradhan, Jiang Wu (Editors in chief), Ping Fang, Marie Neeser, Qi Zhang, Dahe Jiang (Associate Editors in chief), 《Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education in Asia—Practice Change Projects Studies (from SIDA ITP ESD HE programme)》(副主编), TONGJJI UNIVERSITY PRESS(437必赢国际官网出版社), 2014
3. Jiang Wu, Dajian Zhu, Hongwei Tan, Fengting Li, Ping Fang, Shuqin Chen, Hua Chen, Towards a sustainability-oriented university: Tongji Practice, 《Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Futures》, (edited by: Peter Blaze Corcoran et al.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014