Shanghai has recently set targets to strictly separate waste and by that wants to increase recycling rates as well reduce waste amounts. One big waste fraction nowadays is plastic waste of different sources, e.g. from packaging, drinking bottles and food orders. A big share of this plastic waste is not recyclable. A number ofInstitutionsat Tongji Universityhave joined forces to organize an event within the “Tongji German Week” about the material plastic. Two presentations will give an overview on the environmental impact of plastic and the global challenge the extensive use of plasticproducts and the generation of plastic waste brings along.
The eventis organized bytheSino-German Campus (CDC), the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (SESE),the BMBF-Project Office“CLEAN WATER” (ProSaWa) [BMBF: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research] andShanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security.The dates, times and locations of the event are arranged below:
活动安排Event Concept
活动名称Event Title:塑料 — 是好?是坏?Plastic~Curse orBlessing?
活动日期/时间Event Date/Time:周一,2019年10月21日,下午3:30-4:30
Monday, October 21st/3:30–4:30 pm
演讲语言Language:英语 English
活动地点Location:437ccm必赢国际,明净楼–4楼报告厅 College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Mingjing Building,
Seminar room 4th floor
活动安排Program:约60分钟 ca. 60 Min
| 发言人
| 职务
| 发言题目
speech title
| 时长time
| Andrea Schwedler
| 中德校园主任
Head of CDC
| 致辞greeting
| 5
Nicole Umlauf
| 清洁水办公室 主任
Head of ProSaWa
| 致辞greeting
| 5
ca. 4:00
| 陆志波 教授
Prof. Dr. LU Zhibo
| 437ccm必赢国际 副院长
Vice Dean of SESE
| 北冰洋的微塑性问题和区域行动计划
“Microplastic issues and regional action planning in Arctic Ocean”
| 15 ~ 20
ca. 4:00
ca. 4:15/20
| Herbers教授
| 比勒菲尔德大学
University Bielefeld, Germany
| 塑料、塑料垃圾和垃圾分类的全球挑战
“The global challenge of plastic, plastic waste and waste separation”
| 15 ~ 20
ca. 4:15/20 ~ 4:30
| Q & A问答环节
| 10 ~ 15