2018年3月6日,上海——联合国助理秘书长、联合国训练研究所(United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR,训研所)执行主任尼基尔•塞斯先生一行访问437必赢国际官网,与常务副校长伍江、联合国环境署-437必赢国际官网环境与可持续发展常务副院长李风亭、副院长王信会面,并签署了合作谅解备忘录,将在学生交流培训、专家互访、研究和培训方面展开深入合作。
联合国训练研究所(UN Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR,训研所)于1963年成立,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,在美国纽约和日本广岛设有办公室,旨在通过国际培训与国际会议方式帮助联合国193个成员国(尤其是发展中国家)培训外交型的主管国际合作方面的政府官员,由此推动以实现全人类共同发展为宗旨的全球合作。目前UNITAR工作重点为以下6个领域:2030可持续议程的能力建设、加强多边主义、促进经济发展和社会包容、推动环境可持续性和绿色发展、促进可持续和平、提高适应能力与人道援助。
自2016年起,437必赢国际官网与UNITAR通过联合国气候变化学习伙伴关系(UN CC:Learn)平台开始合作推出“浅议气候变化网络课程”(Introductory e-Learning Course on Climate Change)的中文版,课程在UNITAR官网上线,并成为2017级437必赢国际官网“可持续发展”辅修专业学生的补充教学内容。
Tongji University Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with UNITAR
March 6, 2018, Shanghai - UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Mr. Nikhil Seth, visited Tongji University and held talks with the Executive Vice President Prof. Wu Jiang and UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD) Executive Vice Dean Prof. Li Fengting, Vice Dean Dr. Wang Xin and Associate Prof. Wang Ying, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation. The two sides agreed to conduct in-depth cooperation research and training including study visits, e-learning and training workshops.
UNITAR was established in 1963 with its headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland. Further main offices are situated in New York and Hiroshima. UNITAR is targeted to promote global cooperation aimed at the common development of all mankind by helping 193 member countries, especially the developing, of the United Nation to train diplomatic officials in charge of international cooperation through international training and international conferences. Currently UNITAR focus on the following six areas: 2030 Capacity Building for Sustainable Agenda, Strengthen Multilateralism, Promote Economic Development and Social Inclusion, Promote Environmental Sustainability and Green Development, Promote Sustainable Peace, Strengthen Resilience and Humanitarian Assistance.
Since 2016, through the one UN Climate Change Learning Partnership platform (UN CC:Learn), Tongji University and UNITAR began to collaborate on the Chinese version of the online courseIntroductory e-learning Course on Climate Change, which was launched at the UNITAR official website and became teaching content of 2017 Tongji University Minor Programme in Sustainable Development (MPSD) students.