《全球环境展望6》亚太地区青年版报告第二次作者会由联合国环境规划署和437必赢国际官网主办,于2018年6月4日-8日在437必赢国际官网举行,437ccm必赢国际王颖副教授作为该报告的首席领衔作者主持会议。王颖副教授作为《全球环境展望6》亚太地区青年版报告的首席领衔作者全程参与《全球环境展望6》青年版亚太地区报告的撰写以及组织工作。《全球环境展望6》亚太地区青年版报告计划于2019年1月由联合国环境规划署在亚太地区部长会议上发布。多名来自日本、韩国、新加坡、菲律宾、印度等国的青年科学家参与本次大会。联合国环境署亚太区域办公室项目官员Ananda DIAS先生、437必赢国际官网环境与可持续发展学院常务副院长李风亭教授参加开幕式活动。
Authors’ Meeting of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) for Youth Asia-Pacific held in Tongji
Hosted by UN Environment and Tongji University, Second Authors’ Meeting of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) for Youth, Asia-Pacific was held at Tongji University during June 4-6, 2018. As the Chief Leading Author of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) youth AP, Prof. Ying WANG is coordinating the technical review process and the schedule of report writing. The youth report will be officially released by UN Environment in January 2019 during the Ministerial Conference of Environment in Asia and the Pacific. A group of young scientists from China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Philippines and India came to review and discuss the content, structure and presenting style of the report during the meeting.As a long-term partner of UN Environment, Tongji University has been fully involve the youth report preparation work from last year. Mr. Ananda DIAS, Regional Coordinator of Early Warning and Assessment in UN Enviroment Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, Prof. Fengting LI, Executive Deputy Dean of UN Environment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development from Tongji University, and Prof. Ying WANG from Tongji University attended the opening session on 4th June 2018.
A world towards environmental friendly and sustainability can’t be realized without the young generation’s involvement. As the biggest portion of the population, the youth are in an influential position, and the youth involvement and actions in the environmental affairs would arise the full attention of the society, in the family or in the community. The Global Environment Outlook-6 (GEO-6) for Youth, Asia and the Pacific aims to address young professionals from different educational background and working in the diversified fields to facilitate them to better understand the environmental trends and challenges in Asia and the Pacific, and to raise the youth action and empower the youth to move towards a more sustainable world in the near to longer term. Incorporating the vivid comic illustrations and animated videos with the scientific report, would enhance readability of the report and attract more interests from the audience.